January brings new classes for college students. For some, it is their last semester and for others, it is one step closer to ticking off requirements.

Spring 2018: a blank canvas. What will you add to it?
There is nothing like having a new class schedule. I love it. Probably because my schedule was 5 days a week last semester and I was exhausted all the time. My semester looks very different this year. I have a two day a week class with the rest online from anywhere. So, hopefully, I will be less tired.
I am looking forward to not struggling as much. But, the fact is, that we all struggle no matter what classes we have. It is a part of college.
Here are a few pieces of advice as we start our new semester, the first of 2018.
Never give up hope…it is precious.
Keep trying because once you start…you may not start again.
Forgive the past…it is unchangeable.
Have hope in the present…it is only here for a moment then gone the next.
Pray about the future…it brings new adventures and chapters of your life.
Work hard…study hard because it will take you far.
Keep your goals in mind…someday you will reach them.
Never forget what you want…once you forget, all meaning is lost.
Believe in yourself…you are your biggest fan and worst critic.
Live life…it goes by in a blink of an eye
I hope you all find all the happiness and success in the world in this new semester.