Music is a way to escape the craziness of life, but it also creates a calming environment. Not all music can be listened to while studying, such as upbeat tones or fast pace songs. Then, there are the songs that have the steady vibe paired with a soft rhythm that lets you hum and study at the same time. I want to share some of the songs I love that are easy to have on while I do homework or study for a test. Research has proven that listening to music while studying is most effective if the music has a steady, repetitive beat and the volume is low.
Understand – Shawn Mendes
I Don’t Wanna Know – Charlie Puth (Cover)
One Call Away – Charlie Puth
Losing My Mind – Charlie Puth
Camouflage – Selena Gomez
Nobody – Selena Gomez
Purpose – Justin Bieber
In Case You Didn’t Know – Brett Young
You’ll Think Of Me – Keith Urban
Marry Me – Thomas Rhett
Gateway Love – Thomas Rhett
Too Much To Ask – Niall Horan
All of Me – John Legend
WD-40 – Muscadine Bloodline
Happier – Ed Sheeran
Keep On Loving You – REO Speedwagon
Time After Time – Cyndi Lauper
Home – Daughty
Play it Again – Luke Byran
I Got Away With You – Luke Combs
Take Your Sweet Time – Jesse McCartney
Life of the Party – Shawn Mendes
Up All Night – Charlie Puth
Personally, number four is my favorite because I am truly always “losing my mind” when I am studying. We’ve all been there when no matter how well you know the material, it still makes you feel like you’re going crazy.
Whether the song is upbeat or steady all depends on you and your style of music. The list above are songs that I pulled straight from my personal Spotify playlists (I have a lot) and these have a softer tone to them making it easy to hum while studying. If you prefer upbeat and loud music while you study, that is perfectly fine, too. Whatever helps you get your jam on while studying. As for this list, I am just keeping it simple with slower songs. For those louder and upbeat ones, you can sing along and dance to at any time, stay tuned for another playlist.
As you can tell by scrolling through the 23 titles/artists listed, I love a variety of music. From popular 80’s hits to 90’s throwbacks and ending with what is hot and new in 2017. You definitely don’t have to stick to this playlist, I know I don’t. I create a new list almost every two weeks, whether it is a mix of current loves and old loves or a few new set of songs. I love to mix up what I am listening to so I never get tired of my go-to favorites. I hope these songs can help you or lead you to more amazing tracks!
Go forth and create your study playlist!

Heather, my best friend, jamming and studying
#Spotifyplaylist #BrettYoung #LukeBryan #ShawnMendes #REOSpeedwagon #Homework #80sMusic #Copingmechanismsforcollegestudents #LukeCombs #PopMusic #Variety #MuscadineBloodline #KeithUrban #NiallHoran #JustinBieber #EdSheeran #CyndiLauper #Mood #JohnLegend #Music #90sthrowbacksongs #ThomasRhett #CharliePuth #JesseMcCartney #SelenaGomez #Daughty #throwbackmusic #CountryMusic #studying